Communal cash cropping among the Orokaiva
Book 1964 Crocombe, R. G.

OrokaivaOceania > Melanesia
This source is concerned mainly with the introduction of coffee, cocoa, and rubber plantations by Europeans in Papua and the organization of Orokaiva forced labor. The displacement of traditional native agriculture by such schemes, the acquisition of...

A modern Orokaiva feast
article 1966 Crocombe, R. G.

OrokaivaOceania > Melanesia
This source is a description of the feast given on the occasion of a birthday celebration in Inonda village in 1962. The emphasis is on changes in feasting behavior due to acculturation....

Four Orokaiva cash croppers
essay 1967 Crocombe, R. G.

OrokaivaOceania > Melanesia
This is a study of four Orokaiva entrepreneurs who have established themselves in the society through cash cropping and retail trade. The brief case studies attempt to identify various factors which facilitate the emergence of entreprenuers and other...

Land, work, and productivity at Inonda
Book 1963 Crocombe, R. G. & Hogbin, G. R. (Geoffrey Robert)

OrokaivaOceania > Melanesia
This source attempts to determine which of various types of land tenure is the most productive and which is most suited to agricultural development (pp. 1-2). The authors include information on land tenure, other types of property, work organization,...